Friday, April 19, 2013

Are Asian Indians generally homophobic?

Are Asian Indians generally homophobic? Yes, like in any other traditional culture, homosexuality has a stigma in the Asian Indian community, but the views are changing as more and more Asian Indian children in the USA are declaring that they are homosexuals.  They will change further by dialogue, not by slamming an old culture with entrenched traditions and taboos for millennia. In democracies, change occurs slowly through evolution and not cataclysmically, through revolution.  Delhi High Court, in 2009, declared many parts of the section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which criminalized gay sex, as illegal. Still popular culture considers homosexuality as an aberrant behavior. Innunedos and jokes about gays are rampant. If a child does not marry at the marriageable age, rumors spread about the child's sexual orientation.
From the Hindu religious standpoint. the true self of the person is atma or spirit which is eternal and not the body which is ephemeral.  And that atma or spirit is pure and similar or same in everyone irrespective of sexual orientation. We are all God’s children. What one does in his or her private life is not any one’s concern. According to Indian culture sex is a private affair which should not be talked about and least of all displayed in public view. This is called lajja in Hindi or haya in Urdu.  So in our culture, at least until my time, sexuality, hetero or homo, was not flouted in public and public expression of romantic love was generally avoided, at least in front of elders. Yes, sexual talk, curiosity, and even prurience and voyeurism were common place.  Now some youngsters express romantic love, hetero or homo, such as kissing on the lips or sitting in each other’s laps in parties, as a statement of their modernity and liberty. To me, maybe I am old fashioned, such exhibitionism seems crass and unnecessary.  
And a word of caution to Asian Indian parents. Sexual orientation is not due to poor upbringing or bad influence. Some people are not naturally attracted to the opposite sex. There is more to the life of children than good grades. Parents should take interest in their children’s “other” activities and ideas and have conversations with them about these, including sexual orientation. Yes, the news of your child being a homosexual might come as a shock because we value marriage as a prelude to reproduction and grandchildren, but do not judge your children as good or bad solely on the basis of sexual orientation. Do not isolate yourselves socially when you learn of your child's sexual orientation. Seek counseling, if you need to, to come to terms with the reality.

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