Friday, March 22, 2013

Ode to a Modern Asian Indian Mother

Feeds breast milk to the last drop
lest the baby not be a flop
She looks for a preschool
even before the baby sits on a stool
She takes the baby to jungle gym
so that he stays fit and trim
buys videos, software and books
Montessori like her home looks
a day later than charts child speaks
And developmental opinion she seeks
She puts him in a part time daycare
So that he learns to play and share
Every second of the child is planned
Every moment is scanned
Every minute has to be sculpted
for nature cannot be trusted

As the day fills with birthdays and play datings
She starts looking for preschool ratings
For my baby I will find the best
Good in not enough, only best begets the best
Even if he and me have to take many a test
For preschool she buys a big hatchback car
For the baby will have to be hauled near and far

Soon comes the grammar school
When the child is easy and cool
But his mama is not to be fooled
In music and dance he has to be schooled
For religion and language, Sunday schooled
Soon mamas begin culture fight
Over how many events for one child right
Everyone has to get even chance
For life can change with one or two dance

In middle school mama’s effort picks up speed
To math and spelling bees and sports she pays heed
Sprinkles a little volunteerism, if there be need
Come what may my child will be the best is her creed
She monitors friends and foes around
To see if anyone has gone far
Then her child has to get afar
Activities to beat others can be found

In high school begins the Ivy League fever
Life of the child has to be made now or never
Volunteerism, projects, sports, leadership galore
Fill up the resume more and more
College applications, essays and trips
With these parents cannot make any slips
For worthy are only Princeton, Columbia,
U-Penn, Stanford, MIT, Cornell and Yale
Besides these everything is pale
If he fails I fail losing my bragging rights.
And will die of shame on party nights.

Hindi dénouement (Hindi Upsamhar)
Ivy league ke bina mein kese jiyoomgi
Sharm se chhipoongi yaa maroongi 
Kah kavi Bhushan, Ivy league mein baccha jiska jaye, vo maa itraye
Rutgers, metrotech mein baccha jiska jajye vo sharm se maari jaaye

Waiver: Although I fully understand that due to intense competition for college admissions parents have to and should work hard to nurtute their chidlren, but they should strike a balance between the natural ability and desire of a child to learn and supplanting it with their own ambitions and anxieties. I respect and salute all the young mothers who sacrifice so much of themselves for their children.

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